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The LSAP Journey

Welcome to SkateDragons, where we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to develop essential life skills through play. Our programs and global community are built around the common goal of providing life skills education for all.

We know that getting off screens and outside to play, learn and develop is essential for children's growth and happiness. That's why we offer fun and engaging programs that help kids develop critical skills such as grit, perseverance, social confidence, and more.

Our programs have been specifically developed for families with primary school-aged kids. Parents who are committed to finding enrichment activities, classes, and camps that provide opportunities for their children to play, learn and grow. If you like over 100,000 families who have joined the program are looking to develop their kid's social skills, resilience, and perseverance, then you've come to the right place.

The LSAP is designed for children aged 6-12 and caters to different stages of development. We understand that kids at this age want to be treated like adults, worry about being liked and socialization, and need more talk than cuddles. That's why we focus on increasing social ability, encouraging communication, and developing self-discipline.

At SkateDragons, we believe that sports and physical activity are essential for a child's overall well-being. Studies have shown that sports lead to higher satisfaction in life, increased self-esteem, less depression, and better academic performance. We teach games for understanding and tactical awareness, providing children with valuable problem-solving skills that they can use throughout their lives.

Skateboarding is an excellent way to promote an active lifestyle and integrate exercise into your child's daily routine. Our Life Skills and Adventure Program (LSAP) is designed to boost confidence, build character, teach focus and motivation, and increase strength, flexibility, coordination, and agility.

Our coaching methods are encouraging, dynamic, and effective, with less emphasis on winning and more on honest improvement. We prioritize the child's inner life, with unconditional love not based on performance. We believe in positive coaching, powerfully modelling emotional development and success.

At SkateDragons, your child will make new friends and develop relationships. They will learn rider respect and be part of a group activity, which includes team photos and uniforms. Even children who aren't natural athletes will find our programs appealing and engaging. Skating for just 20-30 minutes a day can increase heart rate, burn calories, and build muscle, working out legs, core, arms, and back.

We appreciate the privilege and trust you have in us to be your child's personal life skills coach. Our coaches prioritize the safety, well-being, and ultimate happiness of your children. So, come join the SkateDragons community and give your child the gift of essential life skills through play.

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